Metadefender is an SDK, which allows integration of various antivirus engines into applications for real time scanning. Metadefender is not an end-user application but the library for software developers. Using Metadefender, you can integrate antivirus engines from Avast!, ClamAV, Quick Heal and VirusBuster EDK into your application. No antivirus can Detect threats with 100% guarantee. Metadefender, which unites several different antivirus engines increases probability of successfully detecting malware.
Different antivirus scanners (Avast!, ClamAV, QuickHeal and VirusBuster) used in Metadefender allow the software to get virus signatures, which are important for detecting the newest viruses, considerably faster. So the risk for the system to get infected by some new virus is dramatically reduced. Actually, not a single antivirus software product can be the first to detect new viruses ALL THE TIME. There are a lot of reasons why different companies respond to each new virus with different delays. Having quite a few of antivirus engines bundled together takes your chances of detecting a new threat by at least one of them to a new level. Moreover, even if you have all your virus databases updated, differences in virus detection methods used by different engines InCrease the possibility that one of these methods will be good at detecting a new variation of some malware. To sum it up, using as many available antivirus engines as possible makes your computer system as protected as never before.